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Perfecting Your Resume
A resume is the initial step to making a great first impression with an employer. Double-check the most minute, taken-for-granted details to avoid typos, grammatical errors, and incorrect contact information. Ensure your resume has a good visual balance; avoiding wall-to-wall text featuring five different fonts or too much white space....
Fall Prevention
Avoid a work environment with slippery, cluttered, or unstable walking/working surfaces. Check for unprotected edges, floor holes, wall openings, and unsafely positioned ladders. According to the 2009 data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 605 workers were killed and an estimated 212,760 workers were seriously injured by falls to the...
Receiving Feedback From Employees
Ask these four questions to learn about best practices, company culture, and your employees’ thoughts: • What are we doing when operating at our best? This question will reveal best practices. The answers you receive will also reveal the company’s culture. Know this it will allow you to leverage those...
Safety Practices for Host Employers
The U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration released a list of recommended safety practices for staffing agencies and host employers. To view the full recommended practices guidance click here. “Workers sent by a staffing agency to a worksite deserve the same level of protection from workplace hazards...
ALS Ice Bucket Challenge
Matt Midget from Global Cash Card Challenged Jeff Shearer. He gladly accepted the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. Check it out here
Industry Update: Construction Jobs and Areas of Growth
To remain at the top of your industry and compete for the best jobs, it is essential to stay informed of economic trends that could affect your work, as well as keep up to date with education and skills. If your industry happens to be construction, or your field closely...