Let’s talk about safety

Safety isn’t just one of the most important elements on a jobsite — it’s the most important element. An unhealthy work space is no work space at all. That is why our first priority at LaborWorks is ensuring the safety of the people we send to work, as well as the employers we assign them to. So with COVID-19 forcing all companies to adapt, and the summer heat beating down on us, and our customers requesting more temporary workers, we think now is a good time to review our safety protocols.


COVID-19 Safety Response

We care about the safety and well-being of our temporary workers and about the health of your employees. That’s why we have implemented ways our employees and temporary workers can take care of themselves, protect others and monitor the latest developments:

  • Workers are encouraged to utilize the LaborWorks App to search and apply for available jobs in order to limit in-person contact.  
  • All LaborWorks branch lobbies are open for limited access only and waiting for available jobs in the lobby is prohibited at this time, until further notice.
  • Morning dispatch continues to start at 5:30am; however, social distancing measures have been implemented.
  • Masks are required upon entry at all LaborWorks locations and all branches are complying with the CDC’s safety guidelines.


Thorough Inspections and Training

We are vigilant about healthy and safety inspections and providing our employees with proper training

  • Branch managers conduct a Job Site Safety Evaluation for each new customer to ensure our existing safety regulations are being followed before we send workers.
  • Our Branch Managers and Staff complete OSHA compliance training courses by Branch courses.
  • We hold monthly safety committee meetings to develop and maintain a safe and healthy workplace for all employees. Members of the committee examine all worker accidents and injuries with the goal of finding and fixing hazardous working situations. This allows us to set best practices going forward. 
  • Our workers receive ongoing communications and handouts, participate in Weekly Safety Meetings, and take safety quizzes.
  • We use Red Flag Reporting, an independent hotline provider focused on promoting safe and ethical behavior in the workplace

The Return-To-Work Program

Because we know that accidents can happen, and that the consequences can be severe for both worker and employer, we created the Return-to-Work program to help all parties involved. When you hire a temporary worker from LaborWorks, the worker—and by extension, the employer—are covered under the program, which:

  • Ensures that the injured employee is provided quality, immediate medical care to address, treat, and heal the injury as quickly as possible
  • Gives the injured employee the opportunity to keep working without experiencing injury-related difficulties


Something else to kee in mind is that we provide full Workers’ Compensation benefits to our labor force. Taken together, these policies are why our employers and workers trust LaborWorks to provide a healthy environment and safe workspace.

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