Summer Searches with LaborWorks (2023)

Summer is here and so are the temporary employment opportunities. With the help from our experts from Laborworks, you can guarantee a win in the job search process. Whether you’re looking for a permanent change in the workplace, or a short term experience, LaborWorks will listen to you and make a match that makes sense.
Many companies use staffing agencies like LaborWorks to fill their vacant positions. That’s why working with an expert in this field can be quite helpful for your job search. After you have an initial meeting with a professional at LaborWorks, they connect you to jobs within your scope and appropriately matched to your skill sets and interests.
While you are working with LaborWorks, it’s important to have your own documents updated and modernized. Maybe it’s been a bit since you’ve looked for work, so checking your resume over, or even drafting a new one from scratch, is a great thing to do now. Having a solid resume is one of the most important parts of finding a job because it’s an employer’s first impression of you. Make sure all of your information is current and accurate. Double-check for any grammar or formatting errors and have another person look it over, too. Once you’ve stared at something for a long time, it’s harder to recognize what may need to be edited.
Tailor your resume and cover letter for the specific job you are searching for. You can save generalized copies of each and then tweak them to better fit the specific responsibilities and qualifications of the job you want. Search a job posting for keywords that you can add to your resume. This can help you get past any applicant tracking systems. You are an individual, so your resume and cover letter should reflect that.
Be prepared for anything. Throughout your job search, you may be surprised by what can happen. Being flexible and ready for the unexpected can help you improve your chances of getting a job. Having clear availability and a positive attitude can really create more opportunities for you as a job seeker.
When you partner with LaborWorks you will be matched with part-time, seasonal, and potentially permanent full-time jobs or workers depending on your individual needs. Contact LaborWorks today to find out about how you can get what you need in 2023. Even better, did you know that LaborWorks has an app? Download the LaborWorks app today to streamline your job search by telling us when you want to work, viewing up-to-date jobs at your local LaborWorks branch, texting with a local recruiter, and accepting the perfect job opportunity right on the spot. LaborWorks is your partner in employment that truly does work for YOU. Call us today!