Staffing Industry Statistics—You May Be Surprised!

love stats—they provide a great snapshot of the makeup of workforce, employment
rates, and what employers and workers are looking for as they hire or get
hired. We often share the benefits and popularity of temporary staffing for
both employers and workers, but it’s not just anecdotal—it’s proven!

compiled a few of the most interesting statistics about temporary staffing from
the American Staffing Association. Even we were surprised by some of the
numbers. Take a look!

does the temporary workforce look like?

  • More
    than three million temporary employees work for America’s
    staffing companies (like LaborWorks) during an average week
  • During
    the course of a year
    America’s staffing companies hire nearly 17 million temporary employees
  • Most (76%) work full time, comparable to
    the overall workforce (82%)
  • Half (49%) of staffing employees say
    it’s a way to get a permanent job
  • Nine out 10 said staffing work made them
    more employable
  • One-third (35%) were offered a permanent
    job by a client where they worked on an assignment, and two-thirds (66%) of
    those accepted the offers of permanent employment

do workers choose temporary staffing?

  • One in five temporary staffing employees
    cite scheduling flexibility
    a key reason for choosing temporary work
  • Temporary staffing employees also cite the opportunity for
    permanent employement as a major draw to temporary work
Satisfactory research graphic

How do employees feel about their staffing agency?

  • Nine out of ten staffing employees say they were satisfied with their staffing company!

*All research, information, and image taken from the American Staffing