Temporary Staffing: Why Comprehensive Screening Matters

Perhaps one of the most important aspects of the hiring process is employee integrity screening. When you work with a top-notch temporary staffing firm, such as LaborWorks, this is a key service that cannot be overstated or overlooked. There are a few key reasons why you should select a staffing agency that excels at conducting thorough integrity screening to ensure you’re receiving the best employee for your job.

The most obvious benefit of partnering with a staffing firm that performs comprehensive screening is risk management. This is especially important for two reasons: liability and theft.

As you know, you are responsible for the actions of your employees while they’re on the jobsite or anytime they’re associated with your business. In the event that your employee commits a crime on the job, it isn’t just costly—it can severely impact your company’s reputation. By choosing a staffing firm that conducts comprehensive integrity screening, only applicants who pass are able to become LaborWorks’ employees. This helps you mitigate liability and risk.

Theft is another issue that strong screening can help prevent. Upon request, thorough background checks can be ordered to identify individuals with a history of theft or other unsavory problems so you can prevent a problem before it starts.

Finally, time is money. When you work with a temporary staffing firm that performs stringent screening, you save time (and by extension, money) because this is one less task on your to-do list. Plus, you’ll gain peace of mind that your temporary employees passed integrity screening and, when required, have clean backgrounds and are ready to take on the job.

Don’t cut corners when it comes to your temporary staffing—partner with LaborWorks. Like you, we believe an in providing the right employee for your job.

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