How to thank your workers—and why you should

When it comes to running a business, few things are more important than hiring the right people—people who will help you achieve your mission and carry out the day-to-day operations of your business. According to research, thanking employees for their hard work is not only a good practice for effective leaders, it is also an easy way to boost retention, morale, and happiness among employees.

When people are recognized for their work, it affirms the commitment they made to support your organization with their time and talent. Here are some ideas to show your appreciation for the role employees play in achieving the goals of your business.

Attitude of gratitude.

Research has shown that fostering an attitude of gratitude throughout your business and encouraging daily appreciation among employees leads to improved well-being and higher job satisfaction. Try this out by asking your workers to take five minutes each day to jot down things they’re thankful for, or post a gratitude board in a shared space for people to share their thoughts.

Personal shout-outs.

Sometimes the most powerful encouragement an employee will experience is being personally thanked by their leader out of the public eye. The next time one of your employees accomplishes something they’ve been working toward, send them a handwritten thank you card that recognizes their dedication and acknowledges their hard work.

Employee recognition programs.

Every employee is different. While some like to be thanked one-on-one, others may thrive in an atmosphere of public gratitude. For this reason, many businesses have found employee recognition programs like “Employee of the Month” to be incredibly motivational for their workers. If this isn’t right for your organization, other ideas include holding recognition meetings with the sole purpose of calling out good work among employees, or hosting award ceremonies and parties to celebrate accomplishments.

Expressing gratitude for your employees and recognizing their outstanding work are easy ways to increase loyalty among workers. It doesn’t take much time and rarely costs anything, and yet it goes a long way in improving well-being and creating a strong company culture. An atmosphere of appreciation is one that employees won’t soon want to leave.

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