How our Return-To-Work program makes a difference

an employer, you know that accidents—no matter how much we try to prevent
them—can happen. Even the best safety programs, procedures, and PPE can’t ward
off all accidents.

accidents tend to have a ripple effect across jobsites. Not only do you have a
worker dealing with the stress and pain of an injury, but you may deal with a
dip in morale, more questions than answers, and of course, issues regarding Workers’
Comp and returning to work.

what if you didn’t have to worry as much
about the repercussions from accidents? With temporary workers from LaborWorks,
you can breathe a little easier, thanks to our Return-to-Work program.

What is the Return-to-Work

we know that accidents can happen, and that the consequences can be severe for
both worker and employer, we created the Return-to-Work program to help all
parties involved. When you hire a temporary worker from LaborWorks, the
worker—and by extension, you—are covered under the program, which:

  • Ensures
    that the injured employee is provided quality, immediate medical care to
    address, treat, and heal the injury as quickly as possible
  • Gives
    the injured employee the opportunity to keep working without experiencing
    injury-related difficulties

has been proven that workers heal faster when they have a program designed to
help them return to work.

How do they return to

we can, we try to provide the worker with a modified work assignment at your
worksite. But if your business cannot accommodate this, modified work may be
performed at one of our branches. That’s the best part of the program—the
ability for the individual to continue working so they don’t experience the
hardships of being both injured and unemployed. By supporting the worker, we
help him or her stay connected to the workforce, lower stress, and heal faster.

a nutshell, the LaborWorks Return-to-Work program provides injured workers

  • Regular
    pay to meet financial obligations
  • Ability
    to perform productive work and contribute to LaborWorks
  • Opportunity
    to learn new skills
  • Positive
    self-image that comes from work

love to speak more with you about our innovative Return-to-Work program. Give
us a call or contact us today!

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